Monday, March 16, 2009

Warning Signs Of A Breakup - Don't Let These Signs Pass!

This is an informative article By: Sally Meyers, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Sally Meyers

Warning signs of a breakup are often right under our noses yet we fail to see them and are totally shattered when a breakup finally occurs. Would you know what to look for? The following is a list of the top 9 signs that something is wrong and following is just what you can do about it!

The 9 red hot signs that your relationship may be in trouble are:

1. Have you found that you cannot justify why your partner has started working strange or irregular hours that are completely different to their normal routine?

2. Have you noticed that they have begun forgetting to do things they always did for you or breaking plans you had both made where as before this would never have been the case?

3. Have they missed a special date, anniversary or birthday. (Definitely one of the most telling warning signs of a break up if they have usually always remembered and been most attentive)

4. Do they seem uncommunicative, distracted or sulky? Do you suddenly find that it is hard to have a meaningful conversation?

5. Does your partner hesitate to show affection towards you in front of other people,where once they would have openly done this? Are the number of hugs and kisses getting fewer and fewer?

6. Has your partner become disinterested in your plans or whats happening in your life?

7. Are they lying to you, especially about things that are not really important and would normally have been easily talked through?

8. Do you find that your partner no longer shares their email and text messages with you, or that their phone calls now seem secretive?

9. Outside of the normal misunderstandings that are healthy in a relationship, do you find yourself disagreeing with your partner more and more?

Most of these changes by themselves may not always indicate a problem, however if three or more of these indicators are present you really need to consider what to do about saving your relationship. How do you respond when your partner is already acting like this?

If you have decided that your relationship is worth saving, the answer is there is absolutely an incredible amount of action you can take to stop a break up. The very best advice about this comes from the incredibly successful relationship mending program known as the Magic of Making Up.

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