Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Convince Your Ex Boyfriend To Get Back Together

If you are reading this, you are obviously looking to convince your ex boyfriend to get back together. But the question you should be asking yourself is why? Do you really want this person back or are you just feeling lonely and frightened of being single.

Being single can be great fun but it is a different lifestyle from that of a couple. You don't have to please anybody else which can be liberating but being on your own again can also be scary. You may feel that you will never meet Mr Right and that time is passing you by.

But never get back with your ex boyfriend just because you are scared of being on your own. He may be your ex but the next guy on the block may be the ONE. If you split for silly reasons such as game playing or a temper tantrum and you want this guy back then it is best to try and apologise for your behaviour.

If he decided to break up with you, he may have got cold feet. Guys don't always want to admit that they prefer spending time with one lady rather than playing the field. Examine your relationship and see if this could be the case with your guy.

Signs to look out for include the way he treated you. If he usually behaved like a gentleman then there is a good chance he is regretting the break up. Another good sign is if he introduced you to his family, in particular his mother. Men don't tend to bring home their girlfriends unless they are pretty serious about her and sees a future together.

So when trying to convince your ex boyfriend to come home, you need to try to see the relationship from your partners point of vuew. Being able to see each other's perspective gives you a better chance of resolving your differences. You will both need the freedom to express your feelings even if these are potentially hurtful for the other person to hear.

So long as both parties don't use this opportunity as a means of hurting each other, you stand a good chance of working through the issues. Knowing how to criticise and accept criticism is a good starting point for any relationship.

You both need to be assertive and decide what it is that you want out of this relationship. Knowing where you stand means that you can both move forward with your lives even if it means that you do split up. Hopefully you will decide that you want to be together and are more committed to resolving your differences.

If you do feel angry then let it show. Just be sure that when you show your anger you don’t reject your partner at the same time. You are trying to help him realise that you belong together and not apart.

Following these tips may help to convince your ex-boyfriend to get back together. Good luck.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


Still In Love With My Ex Girlfriend - How To Get Her Back

Many men tell me 'I'm still in love with my ex girlfriend.' They want to know if there's anything they can do to get her back. The very first question to ask men who think they want their ex back is to ask what they've already tried.

A man who is serious about getting his ex girlfriend back will usually say he's repeatedly tried to tell her how much he loves her and needs her. He's reassured her that he'll change and the relationship will be different if she gives him a second chance. This kind of begging and pleading simply shows a woman that you're desperate and often drives them even further away.

Some men will try the opposite tactic to pleading and they'll turn to bribery. Buying her expensive gifts or taking her to fancy restaurants in an attempt to impress her won't work either. She may accept your tokens, but bribery isn't the way to win back love.

The vast majority of women want to be in a relationship with a man who will listen to what she has to say. Even if she's just making small talk, it's important to her that she's heard. This doesn't mean you have to agree with everything she says. You just need to listen.

When asked if they're willing to listen to their ex girlfriends, men who are trying hard to get back their ex often say 'I've tried to listen, but she doesn't listen to a word I say.' Sometimes when men think they're listening, what they're really doing is hearing the problem and then immediately talking back to offer a solution to fix whatever problem his girlfriend is having. He believes because she doesn't hear a word he says that she's not listening.

However, only hearing the parts of the conversation you think you can help her with and then trying to make her listen to you first is not the same as YOU listening to your girlfriend's needs. Women appreciate men who listen to them. Unfortunately, men communicate in slightly different ways, which could probably have been a contributing factor to your break up in the first place.

If you're still thinking 'I'm still in love with my ex-girlfriend and want to get her back', then practice listening. Ask her a question and then listen to what she says intently. Make a comment about her response or ask another question relating to her response, but don't try to fix it or dismiss it as unimportant. Simply listen to her.

Women assume that a man who listens to her really cares. It tells you that you understand and that you're really interested. The next time you receive an opportunity to get together with your ex, take some time to establish eye contact and really listen intently to what she says.

At first, you might find your ex-girlfriend is a little confused or guarded about your sudden change, but when she realizes that you are interested in what she's saying she'll begin to relax and realize that you do care. She'll immediately begin wondering why her feelings for you went away and they should come rushing back when she understands that you really do still love your ex and really do want her back.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


How To Get Back With Ex

Are you thinking about ways how to get back with ex? Almost every adult on the planet has gone through a relationship break up at some point in their lives. Most of the time people simply move through the hurt and try to move on.

What these people don't realize is that around 90% of all relationship break ups could have been stopped and if they've already happened, then they can be reversed.

The first step in learning how to get back with your ex is to look objectively at why the break up happened. You won't be able to change the reasons why you broke up, but you should be objective enough to realize that it takes two. This means accepting responsibility for your part in the relationship, understanding what mistakes you might have made and learning from them.

Try to think about what specific attributes attracted your ex to you when you first met. This doesn't necessarily mean your looks. It means ask yourself what did you do back then that made him so happy to spend plenty of time in your company?

Compare this to the time you spent together just before the break up. Was he becoming distant, which made you want to hang onto him even tighter? Was he pulling away, which made you try hard to let him know how much you loved him? Perhaps you spent plenty of time analyzing the relationship in an effort to fix it before the break up happened.

Each of these things spells 'needy' to a male, yet the biggest thing that attracts most men to their partners is a happy, confident girl that makes them feel good to be around. Neediness can often push a man away from even the best relationship.

Work hard on regaining your confidence and your happiness. Remember, these are the things your ex fell in love with in the first place, and they're the same things that can make your ex fall in love with you all over again.

Men and women communicate very differently to each other. When a woman is trying to find out how to get back with her ex, she will attempt to get her ex to talk about what went wrong. She wants to analyze and fix whatever was broken in the relationship.

Men won't view this as a sign that it should be fixed or that you should get back together. They simply view it as being too needy and they will begin wondering how to find someone who makes their time spent together happy and fun again.

The next big positive step you can take to get back with your ex is to arrange to meet for a chat about the possibility of remaining in touch with each other. Don't be surprised if he's initially a little hesitant. After all, he'll be remembering only the reasons you broke up.

He'll need some gentle reminding about all the reasons he fell in love with you in order to make him realize you were one of the best things that had happened to him. Your gentle reminders should be to show him that you're happy and confident again, just like you were when he fell in love with you the first time. You shouldn't be yelling at him or blaming or accusing and you shouldn't be telling him all the good things you did. These things don't work. Simply allow him to see the happy, confident, independent person that swept him off his feet and his feelings will begin to re-emerge all on their own. Then you'll have a strong foundation for how to get back with your ex.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


Ex Girlfriend Wanting To Get Back - How Do I Do It

It's a classic and tragic story. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy just wants girl back. It's so common that you could place an ad in the local paper: "ex girlfriend wanting to get back, please help."

Even though it happens everyday that doesn't make it any easier when it's you that's going through it. It is still painful and it still sucks.

You don't need to give up though. There are a few things you can do that will make things easier, make you a better man and maybe help you get your ex girlfriend back too.

1) The first thing you want to do is cease and desist all calls, texts, emails, etc. It will be one of the hardest things you've ever done but you have to stop chasing her. Think about it for a minute. When someone is chased what do they do? That's right, they run. You don't want to push her further away from you. Back off and give her some space.

Remember, no one likes a weak, whiny, insecure person. That's just not a turn on. Your ex is no different. Don't cling or you will only push her further away.

2) Have fun. I know that this sounds like ridiculous advice, but it's imporatant. It kind of relates to step 1. Go out with friends and try to live everyday to the fullest. If you can do this you will benefit in a couple of ways.

For one thing she will hear about all the fun you're having and she will start to miss the fun the two of you used to have. She will also remember why she fell in love with you in the first place.

It will also help you to keep your mind off of your ex for a little while. That is a good way to keep from going crazy during this difficult time.

A word of caution though: don't use this step as a pathetic and childish attempt to make her jealous. That is very immature and doesn't work. If you really care about your ex and you want her back you should avoid stupid, destructive and childish games. No good relationship can ever be built on those traits.

3) Try to communicate with her. Don't argue, or badger. Just talk...and listen. This isn't about being right, it's about trying to truly understand where the other person is coming from. This is a time to put your ego on hold.

If you feel like you should place an ad in your local paper that says: "ex girlfriend wanting to get back" than you are pretty serious about getting your ex back. Follow the simple tips I've listed here and you have a much better shot at making that happen. And you can save the money on the ad!

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


How To Get Your Ex GF Back Quickly

For anyone that has dabbled in the world of giving relationship advice, the title will actually be a bit of a red herring. The main reason for this is that the vast majority of successful relationships that re-engage after a breakup are actually going to be relationships that do it very quickly after the initial breakup occurs. While there are others where the two participants can get back together months or even years after breaking up, usually this is not how things work in the real world.

So, want to know how to get your ex GF back quickly? Well, the first thing that you need to figure out is whether there is actually a future in that relationship. If it turns out that there is no future to the relationship, you should start focusing on other goals. Try to meet new people and push your ex-lover out of your life. It is much healthier to pursue other options than to try and reignite a relationship that you know will take you nowhere.

If, on the other hand, you feel strongly that getting your girlfriend back can indeed lead to a strong and long relationship, there is no harm in giving it a try. In this situation, a lot of people make the mistake by taking the direct approach. They go right up to the girl and ask them if they are interested in starting things up again. This may work with certain guys, but it is a method that is doomed to failure with just about every ex-girlfriend in the world today.

So what should you do instead? Well, if you want to do things properly, you need to have your ex see you living a good life. You need to attend the same social events as they do and then engage them in casual conversation there. You can even bring a casual date to the events just to show that you are not hung up on trying to get your ex back completely. The appearance of having moved on is a big thing in these situations because it can make your ex jealous and that in turn can potentially lead to them realizing that they still have feelings for you.

If you want to know how to get your ex GF back quickly, this is essentially the information you’re looking for in a nutshell. Jealously and the realization of feelings can lead your ex to the conclusion that they still want to have you in their life and to be in yours. This is the only way that you are going to be able to achieve a healthy relationship with your ex. Unless they realize right here and right now that they still want to share their life with you, this is going to be doomed from the start.

Where you go from that point is up to you. Also, it is important to realize that your ex might see you and be fine with it, having already moved on herself. So one way or another, this method will tell you exactly where you and your ex stand.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


Monday, December 14, 2009

Advice On Love To Save Your Relationship

Today we are faced with so many things coming at us from so many directions. With all these stresses in life it's tough to keep our relationships strong, and if you want to save your relationship, just finding the time to work on it can be a challenge. This article will give you advice on love to save your relationship, it's aimed at all the overly stressed busy people who still want to make their relationships work.

Here are 3 things you can start doing today to keep your relationship strong, or pull it back from the brink. It's not so much about how much time you spend together, it's more about the quality of time that the two of you spend together. Keep that in mind when going over the list:

1. Figure out what activities that the two of you like to do as a couple. It doesn't matter if it's round of golf or a trip to the local movie theater. As long as you can share an experience that is enjoyable, for both of you. When it's your time, make arrangements for the kids to spend the night at grandma's, turn off the cell phones and Blackberries, take the phone off the hook, and turn off the t.v. This is about connecting with each other, not just co-existing in the same place at the same time.

This is so important for two reasons. One, it will allow you time to relax and unwind from the stresses of life. That will help each of you individually and also will allow both of you to bring more to the relationship since you'll be more relaxed and at ease. And two, it gives the two of you precious memories that you can relive from time to time with each other. It's fun to have shared experiences where you can say 'remember when we did...'? That creates a deeper bond between the two of you.

2. So many couples only talk about mundane daily things like asking your spouse if they had a good day, or if they picked up milk on the way home. Try to make time each week to really talk. Don't turn it into a complaining time, just talk. Tell your partner about your dreams, relive some fun past times, etc. Make it a positive time. Really be willing to talk, and listen, and let each other into your minds a little bit.

3. Try to always remind yourself what it was that first attracted you to your partner. Was it their laugh, their offbeat sense of humor, their goofy expressions? Whatever it was don't let yourself forget that. And while you're reminding yourself, make sure to let them know too. If you fell in love with their laugh, tell them, often, that you love the way they laugh. So much of that positive reinforcement seems to go out the window the longer the relationship goes on. And that's a shame. Everyone wants to feel loved and appreciated, don't ever let your partner feel like you don't find that thing you fell in love with attractive anymore.

A loving relationship is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Many people will tell you that relationships are 'hard' and that they 'take a lot of work'. I don't agree. I believe that if you are with the right person, if you're both mature adults who really want to make the relationship work, and if you know what to look out for, your relationship can be very easy. Just use this advice on love to save your relationship as a starting point.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


Healing Relationship Wounds

If you are facing the difficult task of healing relationship wounds you will need to be wiling to really invest some time and effort. You can fix your relationship but it won't necessarily be quick and easy, and you won't be able to do it all on your own.

There are many steps you will need to take to repair your broken relationship. A lot of what you will have to do will depend on what broke the relationship in the first place. It's usually not just one or two things and it usually takes a long time and a buildup of many smaller issues that eventually tear down your relationship.

Finding the cause of the break down is the first thing you will need to do in order to come up with a 'game plan' to fix it. You wouldn't expect your mechanic to fix your car without first knowing what was wrong with it, would you? The same principle applies to your relationship.

Not only will you need to figure out what went wrong you will need to honestly figure out what part you played in it. That can be very hard for most people. No one wants to admit they've been wrong or made mistakes. But you can't fix it until you know what is broken, so you will have to honestly, maybe brutally honestly, evaluate the way you've behaved in the relationship and what things you've done, or said, that might have contributed to the break down.

And yes, what you have said can play just a big a role in a broken relationship as what you've done. Never forget that words can wound and those wounds are often the hardest ones to heal.

Once you've figured out the mistakes you've made you will need to determine if you're wiling to invest the time needed to fix them. If you can't make a 100% commitment to changing your behavior than you might as well end the relationship right now. There's no point in dragging you and your partner through further pain.

Another thing you will need to honestly consider is whether or not your partner will be willing to work on the relationship too. No matter how sincere you are and motivated to make changes, it will take both of you working together to get things back to a good place. You can't do it all alone, and neither can your partner. If you aren't both committed to making it work, it's also time to move on.

Something else you will need to consider is that if you save your relationship it will never totally be 'back the way it used to be'. That doesn't mean it can't still be good, it can. It just means that whatever the two of you have gone through has left some scars, those will always be there.

Keep these things in mind when you are healing relationship wounds. If your relationship is truly worth saving, and your partner is willing to meet you half way and work on it, you can fix the relationship and even make it better than it was before, it'll just take some time...and lot's of love.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


Advice On Sex To Repair Your Relationship

Being in a bad relationship is a tough thing to do. Nothing is worse than being married and lonely at the same time. If you think the best way to save your relationship is to 'spice up your sex life' you may want to think again. Here is some advice on sex to repair your relationship.

First of all don't buy into the old cliche that if you have great sex your partner will be satisfied and not leave. Unless your partner is an adolescent, or just acts like one, sex alone won't be enough to keep your relationship strong. A good adult relationship is made up of many components and until you can get it clicking on at least several levels, not just sexual, you will struggle and most likely won't be happy in the relationship.

A word of caution though, no one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. You will have times when you and your partner are not on the same page, and that's ok. It's more about balance, in your relationship as a whole you should be on the same page more often than not. If it's balanced the other way, where you are at odds more often than you are in sync you should seriously consider ending the relationship because the two of you just aren't a good fit, and that's unlikely to change.

So before you decide that hotter sex is the key to making your relationship what you really want it to be, consider some of these points:

1. How was your relationship in the beginning? Did you have a lot of hobbies that you shared together? What did you do, besides sex, when you spent time together? If you don't do those things together anymore, why not? If you analyze these changes in your relationship you will be a lot closer to figuring out what you need to work on to make your relationship strong again.

2. Have you asked your partner what they think is going on with your relationship? After all you're both part of the situation, and the problem. Why not share with each other what you are feeling, instead of complaining to your girlfriends, or buddies, why not ask your partner? No one will know what they are thinking better than they do.

Make sure that when you ask your partner what they're thinking you give them the opportunity to tell you how they feel in a 'safe' environment. What I mean by that is don't get mad and yell at them if they say something you don't want to hear. If you do then you are sending them a signal that they can't open up to you or it will get ugly, so they won't turn to you. That is the beginning of the end for many relationships.

Once they've told you how they feel, it's your turn. And the same rules apply. You have the right to express your feelings without being persecuted by your partner.

If you and your partner have reached a rough patch in your relationship it can be tempting to think that if you can reignite a fire in bed you'll be able to save your relationship, unfortunately that's simply not the case. Use the advice on sex to repair your relationship tips I've given you above to start to rebuild your relationship in a healthy way.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


How To Be A Confident Girlfriend Without Being Over Confident

How to be a confident girlfriend is something every woman needs to learn to be. There are very few men out there who like a woman who is lacking in self confidence. They tend to be needy and always need reassuring. This can be quite a turn off when it goes on for any length of time.

Sure we all have days when we feel awful. I am positive that even Carmen Electra wakes up some mornings feeling less than gorgeous but you do not need to tell the world about it. Men love confident women as they know that when they get them into bed, they won't be afraid to ask for what they want. Also confidence is power and some men love powerful women. But don't go overboard as confidence does not mean that you have to be arrogant. Yes there is a fine line but it is one that doesn't need to be crossed.

So how do you build your self esteem? You can do this in a number of ways but the most effective is to practice positive thinking. It is hard to feel low and ugly when you are walking around with a big smile on your face. Make a list of your good points and see how many things you have to feel grateful for. Be genuinely thankful for what you do have as then you may see even more of the positives that are already part of your life.

If you experienced something in your life that has affected your confidence then get some help. Counseling is a wonderful way of working through past demons and learning how to leave the past where it belongs i.e. behind you. You can't change what happened but you can change your reaction to these events and how it affects your future.

Fake it for a while. Pretend you are the most confident woman in the world. Your subconscious can't tell the difference between a lie and the truth so if you fake it for long enough, you will start believing and your self esteem levels will improve.

Ask your man why he is with you but not in a whiny type of way. You can ask him to tell you what he most loves about you? What he thinks your best assets are? Also choose your moment with care, this is not a post sex question.

Ask your friends to write down a list of your nicest characteristics. I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised at how people value you and what qualities they think you have. Practice being assertive and reward yourself for the successes you have achieved in life. If there is something you are really afraid of, why not try it today?

Perhaps you are afraid of heights, so try booking a hang gliding course. Ask your boyfriend to come with you. Maybe do it as a charity fundraiser. Once you face your fears and conquer them, you will no longer have to ask how to be a confident girlfriend. Your inner self confidence will shine like a beacon.

-------------------------------------------------------To see some videos and to get some of the most Amazing, ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back It will put you on the fast track to helping you save any relationship...


How To Be A Sweet Girlfriend Without Being Mushy

If you are anything like me, you may have wondered how to be a sweet girlfriend. I am quite fiery and hot tempered so you wouldn't normally describe me as being sweet. But seemingly men like that and sometimes quite a lot.

So what do you need to do? You do not need to go as far as waiting for him at the front door when he comes home but it comes close. You need to show your man some affection and I don't mean in the bedroom although we will come to that later. Men like cuddles but only when appropriate, i.e. in private. Public displays of affection tend to embarrass them.

Try taking the initiative and spice up your sex life but subtly is the key. For example, if you know he is having a hard time at work, why not surprise him with a massage one evening. Light the candles, slip into something more comfortable and heat up the massage oil. The temperature is guaranteed to rise.

Cook him his favorite meal and clean up afterwards letting him have the night off. In other words spoil him to distraction although after a while he may wonder if you are up to something.

Tease him when you are out in public. If you are at a restaurant, give his hand a massage under the table and watch how he tries to hold his concentration on the conversation. Send him cheeky I owe you messages such as a promise to dress up in his favorite outfit or do something naughty to really turn him on.

Surprise him with a weekend away. Men love surprises too but often are expected to be the ones to arrange them. This way you are showing him you fully understand how to be a sweet girlfriend.

Show consideration to his mates. If you live together, invite them round one evening and leave them some beers, food and dips to enjoy with the game. Your man will be very impressed and his friends will be envious.

You may be reading this thinking that I have taken things too far but the fact is that if you don't learn how to be a sweet girlfriend at least some of the time you are unlikely to progress to being a wife. In fact your progression will probably be to the status of ex girlfriend. That of course is fine if you do want to lose the man in your life but seeing as you asked the question I am guessing that's not the case. If you have a history of not making relationships work, perhaps now you have discovered why.

Do yourself a favor and start practicing now before it is too late. It is a lot easier to try to impress your boyfriend than it is to impress your ex.

To see some videos and to get some of the most ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Top Signs Of A Break Up

If you have already passed the point of looking for a sign and broken up with your love then the "The Magic Of Making Up" has a great track record
of getting relationships back together, check it out at "The Magic Of Making Up" ... Other wise take a look at some signs that your relationship may be headed in the wrong direction..

1. They seem busy most of the time and never have time for you any more the way they use to. If you find yourself spending more time alone with out them it's not a good thing. Even if they come up what seems to be good excuses..

2. Their friends no longer seem as friendly. People will often confide in their friends about their troubled relationships. If their friends seem to avoid you or are not as friendly as they were then they may know some secrets about your relationship you don't.

3. Trying to start fights over little silly things. If they start arguments over where to go eat, your clothes, how you tie your shoes it could be a sign that they are looking for you to make the first move to end the relationship.

4. A loss of interest in sex. If they try to avoid sex or going for weeks or months without it then there is a problem. While it may be natural for sex to decline after you have been together for a long time it's not natural to all of a sudden just stop.

5. They say something like "I think we need to see other people," "I need some time" or "I need some space." What they are really saying is they want to break up but just don't want to come right out and tell you so as not to cause a big scene, but as soon as they get their chance they will be gone...

If you notice some or all of these signs it may not mean that your relationship is completely over, it could be a chance to sit your partner down and have a open honest discussion about your relationship. If you watch for the signs you could avoid a break up and you could still have a chance to save your relationship.

The "The Magic Of Making Up" can not only help you get your ex back but it is one of the best resource's to help you avoid a break up, check it out at...
"The Magic Of Making Up"


Monday, December 7, 2009

101 Romantic Ideas, Romantic Tips Free

I have found a great e-book called "101 Romantic Ideas" That you can have for free, These tips can help you get back together or stay together in your relationship and be happy.

IDEA # 5
Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in
the box saying
“In this mirror you will see the image of
the most beautiful woman in the world.” Or "Most handsome Man In the World"..

Want another?

IDEA # 42
If you shower first in the morning. Steam up the bathroom and write a
message such as "Pete Loves Kathy" on the mirror for your partner to read
when she uses the bathroom. This also works on car windows when it's cold.

These are just TWO romantic ideas you can start using right away­ inside you'll discover 99 MORE WAYS to express the love for your partner in creative and unique ways.

You'll also learn…

A unique "twist" to buying flowers (idea #3)

A creative way to cheer your partner up at work (idea #10)

7 'seldom used' words that really touch the heart (idea #14)

And many many more…

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Free Tip #1, Try Starting Over To Save Your Relationship

When you first become a couple things just seem so new and exciting. Both usually let little things that bother them about the other go. But after awhile of becoming comfortable with one another the nagging soon becomes a part of every day life, instead of hearing how wonderful you look you might hear something like "why are you wearing that?" Does that sound like your relationship?

If so you need to sit down as a couple and talk abbot how things have changed. Find the things that first attracted you to one another, then commit to start over together.

It may take some time so you both will have to be willing to really work at it. You can start off by forgiving one another, then forget about the past. Focus only on the positive about your mate and let the unimportant things go. Just remain patient and give it enough time and you can be on the way to romance in your relationship again.

To see some videos and to get some of the most ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back

Click The Banner Below To Watch Some Great Video,s And More Free Tips..


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Get Your Lover Back - Advice On How To Get Your Ex Back Tips

So you have broke up and now you would like to get your lover back? There are many sites and articles with all kinds of advice
on how to get your ex back out there these days but how does one know what will work and what will turn your ex away forever?

First you must trust your instincts about the situation. You know your ex and yourself well enough to trust your own judgement
adout the relationship. Were you just incompatible with your ex? or was the break up over some silly argument? If it was over some
little disagrement that has happened before may be the problem is more deeply rooted and must be dealt with, if you ignore it
it isn't just going away.

Ask friends and family about what they think went wrong with your relationship. You could get some new insight that you have not thought
about. They could have seen little things you didn't and give you some helpfull advice.

If you want to talk to your ex lover arrange to do it in a public place such as a restaurant,why? Because you both are less
likely to get into a shouing match with other people around.

When talking to your ex don't trade insults with them, sure they want to blow off steam so let them and just listen. Then tell them
your feelings and you want to try and work out the relationship. Tell them you are willing to do couples counselling if that would help.

Trying to find the answer on how to get your ex back could mean that you could have to apologise. Don't fake it because they will see through
it. remember they know you well. If this is something you have done in the past many times then it may take some some convincing that you really
mean it this time. It is hard enough to keep love and romance alive in any relationship but is you hurt them over and over then love will die very quickly.

When you do talk to your ex try and be positive, remind them of the good times you shared when you were together. Tell them how much you find them attractive.
play up to their ego. Just don't go over board with it as to appear desperate because that could scare them off.

Don't expect to get them back over night, it could take some time for them to really get over what ever the reason was to
cause the break up in the first place. Take the time to learn all you can on how to get your ex back and that will help you keep them once you do get back together.
Just remember that you are dealing with a human being and that they have feeling, respect their feeling what ever they might

To see some videos and to get some of the most ground breaking ideas on relationships please visit How To Get Your Ex Back

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Making Up to Get My Ex Back Resource

This is an informative article By: Ricardo Daryans, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Ricardo Daryans

So your boyfriend or girlfriend has dumped you...boy does that suck! Yeah, we've all been there, it's no fun...luckily though there are things you can do to bring the love of your life back to your arms, you just have to know what those things are!

First thing you need to do is recognize that it's not anywhere near impossible to get your guy or girl back. If you do it right, it doesn't even have to be hard. That may seem like a simple enough first step, but you'd be surprised how many people just can't seem to rise above their anger and sadness and pull out a little optimism for reaching your goal! Do this, and you've already started!

Next thing to do is to start gathering information about just what sorts of methods you need to go through to pull this off. Though easy enough, winning back an ex is tricky at times and it's a good idea to know what you're doing before you fly headlong into it. For this the Internet is a great resource for finding info...there's just one problem.

With so many websites talking about making up with your ex, it's hard to discern the good from the bad. Most sites are just about making money, giving you old and outdated information. This happens so much that people are concerned to use the methods found in the web.

Luckily, there are a few ones that are out to help you and won't charge an arm and a leg for outdated information. Let me tell you about one particular guy that knows his stuff.

I meet this guy that really knows his stuff, and has been doing this for so long that he has a really long list of testimonials from people that he has helped. I saw the emails from happy people myself. This site is the best one in this making up business I've found so far. It has lots of great information, videos and advice that it's really a gold mine.

Check out this site if you are really serious about getting your ex back. The best part is that you don't have to pay anything to check what he has to offer. Take the first step to getting your ex back and just see what information you can get for free by following the link below.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

How to Get Your Girlfriend Back Even if She Refuses to See You

This is an informative article By: Cheryl Pierce, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Cheryl Pierce

There are plenty of pointers online on how to get your ex girlfriend back, but most of them expect her to at least be amenable to pick up the phone when you call her. What are you supposed to do if she won't even talk to you? Here are a few ideas:

Let her acknowledge you are available

You've likely heard the advice that if you want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back, the readiest way is to make her envious by having her guess you're going out with other girls. Well, the problem is this can easily backlash on you.

Even if she was getting to miss you, if she finds out you've started dating, she'll assume you no longer have feelings for her. So, make sure your mutual friends know you are still single.

Better yourself

Of course, being available doesn't mean staying put at home ready and waiting by the phone all day. Alternatively to expending your vigour looking for a fresh girlfriend, invest it in self-improvement. Especially if you were in a long-term relationship, you'll be better off having some time to yourself to do something that can better your self-assurance as individual, whether it's learning a new skill or just spending more time executing what you love. Your ex will see you can live without her and respect you all the more for it.

Compose a love letter

Not a phone call, not an email, not an IM -an actual handwritten letter. It may be an old fashioned method for how to get your ex girlfriend back, but it works because there are very few women who will not read a handwritten note. That means you will at least find a chance to explain what you are feeling.

While it's best to put it all in your own words, if you truly feel like you don't know what to articulate, get a female acquaintance to service you or sneak a few ideas (ideas, not complete sentences) from samples online. Remember, the face of the missive is virtually as important as the words. Write your letter on fancy stationary, stick it in a matching envelope, seal it with true sealing wax and send it off.

Keep it light hearted

When you do get a chance to talk to her again, keep the mood upbeat. Don't begin apologizing for everything you ever did improperly, imploring her to meet with you, or debating over what stimulated the separation. After all, would you look ahead to meeting a person who's obviously an emotional wreck?

Instead, hand her an indication that seeing you again will be entertaining and won't demand any bickering or fawning. If at all possible, make her laugh. You'll get her to permit her guard down and take out the "bad taste" left after the breakup.

If you truly want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back even when she won't return your telephone calls, stay assured that it can be accomplished. Make use of mutual friends to let her know you are available but not wasting away from heartache, then mail her a missive to get contact . Beyond that, be heedful where get advice on how to get your girlfriend back because some of the suggestions can really backfire on you.

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Get Him Back After He Has Broken Up With You

This is an informative article By: Michelle Piecy, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Michelle Piecy

Has your boyfriend just broken up with you and all you can do is think about him? It can really blow sometimes when this happens but you don't need to suffer from frustration and hurt. Just face the break up with the right attitude and don't let it drag you down into depression and you will be starting off on the right track.

The absolute first thing you need to do is figure out if you still love him and that's the reason you want him back. If you can't think of good reason like this then it may not be the right time to get him back. Listen to your heart. It will let you know what to do.

Before we move on it will good to cover the fact that you may not get what you want out of this. Now this may not be because your ex doesn't want you back. It may be that he just needs more time to heal and maybe even start to miss you. Time apart is great for this.

If the break up feels like it's your fault, it may be worth while in taking the time to think about what caused it. This way you can apologize to your ex sincerely about causing the break up and show him you are working on the problems.

Forgiveness can be given even to those who do not deserve it and when you have been forgiven, do whatever it takes to prove to him that you deserve it. On the other hand, if he does not accept your apologies for some reasons, respect it. It is his call in the first place. The only consolation is that, you have done the right thing and it is up to him to take you back again. Things happen, and he may not be the one for you in the end after all.

When you talk to him avoid getting too emotional and get to the point of begging him to come back to you. This is not the way to get someone back, especially a guy. In addition, this will push him away even more. Give it some time before you meet up again or even talk on the phone.

Consider his emotions too. He also needs coping and healing from the pain before he could actually communicate again with you. Show him that you are taking the break up maturely and you will find it easy to get him back.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Review of The Magic of Making Up

This is an informative article By: Jackie Howie, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Jackie Howie

When a relationship breaks down, the feeling of grief, loss, depression and pain can be compared to a death of a loved one. The only difference is with a relationship break up there is hope. This can be very difficult to see at the time, when we are not able to make a rational.

All is not lost, there are many helpful guides and books available to help the situation. We can get through a divorce or break up.

The Magic of Making Up Review will show you the pros and cons of this World famous relationship guide. A comprehensive manual showing you how to get your husband back and save your relationship. He explains the whole process from start to finish. A schedule which out lines what to do and when.

The practical information in the Magic of Making Up, explains the steps to take to get your ex to talk to you, meet with you.

It is a comprehensive read covering all the bases, but an easy to follow step by step action plan.

The Magic of Making Up Review, This Book is laid out in sections

Section 1

The Core reasons why people separate, how to understand Love Principles

Section 2

The things you are doing which you should avoid, how to heal you emotions. You cannot expect someone to want to be with you, if you are angry or depressing.

Section 3

You will learn the difference between a positive relationship and negative one. Should you go back with your partner or should you heal your self and move on.

Section Four

Action Plan, proven tactics in a step by step action plan, you must take action or you will not get you ex back.

There are many more sections in this comprehensive e-book, showing you exactly the steps to take to get your husband back and build a healthy positive relationship.

About the Author:
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Tips to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Refuses to See You

This is an informative article By: Cheryl Pierce, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Cheryl Pierce

There are alot of tips online on how to get your ex girlfriend back, but most of them require her to at least be amenable to answer the telephone when you call her. What are you supposed to do if she won't even speak to you? Here are some ideas:

Let her acknowledge you are available

You've probably discovered the advice that if you require to know how to get your ex girlfriend back, the readiest way is to make her envious by making her believe you're going out with other girls. Well, the problem is this can easily boomerang on you.

Even if she was starting to miss you, if she finds out you've commenced dating, she'll assume you no longer have feelings for her. So, be sure your mutual friends know you're still single.

Better yourself

Of course, being available doesn't mean staying on at home waiting by the phone all day. Instead of spending your get-up-and-go looking for a new girlfriend, commit it in self-improvement. Especially if you were in a long-term relationship, you'll be better off taking some time to yourself to do something that can improve your self-assurance as individual, whether it's learning a new skill or just spending more time doing what you love. Your ex will see you can live without her and respect you all the more for it.

Compose a love letter

Not a telephone call, not an electronic mail, not an Instant Message -an actual handwritten letter. It may be an old fashioned method for how to get your ex girlfriend back, but it works because there are very few women who won't open a handwritten note. That means you'll at least find a chance to explain what you are feeling.

While it's best to put it all in your own language, if you genuinely feel like you don't know what to say, get a female acquaintance to assist you or sneak a few ideas (ideas, not whole sentences) from samples online. Recollect, the look of the letter is almost as crucial as the words. Pen your letter on fancy stationary, deposit it in a corresponding envelope, seal it with real sealing wax and send it off.

Keep it light

When you do get a chance to talk to her again, keep the mood upbeat. Don't begin apologizing for everything you ever did improperly, imploring her to meet with you, or debating over what stimulated the separation. After all, would you look ahead to meeting a person who's obviously an emotional wreck?

Instead, hand her an indication that seeing you again will be entertaining and won't demand any bickering or fawning. If at all possible, make her laugh. You'll get her to permit her guard down and take out the "bad taste" left after the breakup.

If you really want to recognize how to get your ex girlfriend back even when she will not return your telephone calls, remain assured that it can be done. Make use of common friends to let her know you're available but not wasting away from sorrow, then mail her a missive to have contact once again. Beyond that, be heedful where get advice on how to get your girlfriend back because some ideas can really boomerang on you.

About the Author:
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

How Can I Restore Trust In My Relationship If I Have An Affair?

This is an informative article By: Jeremi Hany, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Jeremi Hany

What is the best way to get your ex back into your arms even though you have cheated on them? Well some people claim that affairs will lead to the end of a relationship. Well I do not agree with this. I strongly believe that if both parties are really committed to save their relationship, even an affair can be resolved. This very article is all about how to restore trust in your relationship.

Restoring trust in relationships requires an adjustment in attitude and actions. Even after an affair, it is possible to save a relationship. But that starts with ramping up the level of trust within the couple.

Why are you having an affair? It may be the attitude of your partner which made you stray from the relationship. Maybe there is something wrong with the relationship's core which made you do so, but it is very likely that you can do something about it.

Let's get to the reason for why you strayed. Was your partner too busy to give you time? Or is it because she is not grooming herself?

If the relationship is perfect, then you are unlikely to go into an affair. So, how can you fix it? More often than not, it lies in analyzing yourself. But it also depend on the strength of your relationship.

Restoring trust in relationships means fixing the underlying problems. Sometimes that means going into couples counseling.

But just understanding our thoughts isn't enough. The next step is to take concrete action in fixing the problems.

The key to restoring trust in your relationship does not lie in talking about the right things, but lies in doing the right things.

One of the most important things is to make little promises and keep them. Like if you promise to do some household work every Sunday, try to do it consistently. When you show that you are reliable and can be trusted on these small things, you are slowly but surely demonstrating that you can be trusted on bigger things too.

Now your girlfriend or your wife will always need to be assured and would always want to ensure that you have really changed. This means that you will probably have to apologize more than once. It is certainly not easy for her to forget the breach of trust. If you really want to stay with her, be calm and patient with her.

This does not mean that you must feel guilty about the indiscretion forever. In fact, if you allow her to constantly guilt trip you, she will not be satisfied in the new relationship you are building. Just be understanding.

Once you have got some of the trust back and she is now much more calm, try to make a positive spin about the incident. Try to let her know that this had made both of you more mature and you are more committed in your relationship than ever before. Just like a broken bone grows stronger from where it broke.

Restoring trust in a relationship takes time. It requires that you change both your attitude and action. But it is possible to heal the divide and be a stronger couple as a result.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Ex Back Blueprint Review

This is an informative article By: Jackie Howie, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Jackie Howie

With this review of the Ex Back Blue Print, you will learn exactly how this book will help you get your ex back and in love with you again. This guides explains in detain the 5 actions you are doing that are making matters worse.

Everyone is buzzing about this book because it has the highest success rate of getting your ex back.

You need help to deal with and get over the heart break, clear your mind of the negative thoughts, get motivated to get your life back on track.

The secret formula of putting the fire right back in your relationship, sometimes the initial spark of new love dies. This technique alone is powerful.

What is in The Ex back Blueprint?

Instant relief form the pain, and the 7 day action plan has instant tips to get your ex lover back fast.

There are certain actions you are doing that are detrimental to getting your ex back, you will learn how to avoid making these mistakes.

Tips from the experts, ideas to reverse the breakup, have your Ex begging to come back.

Start this minute with an instant download, save your relationship today.

Massage, a magic tactic to put the spice in your relationship, when you have him back.

You must learn how you can change your behavior, the issues which caused the relationship to break down and how to rectify them

Ex Back Blueprint has hundreds of Dollars worth of bonuses included. This is one of the best relationships guides which over delivers.

Free with this powerful ebook is lifetime membership offer support and guidance for the future.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

An Unbiased View of Relationship Rescue

This is an informative article By: James Redder, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By James Redder

You may have all the good intentions in the world of wanting to stop the break up and win your exwife back, but you could really be blundering on instead. You could well be choking the situation further rather than winning back your ex lover's heart.

Are you committing any of these ten breakup blunders?

The first is when you tell your ex lover the big mistake he or she is making by calling it quits. This won't cause them to hesitate and think it over, instead they will think about what a error it was to get romantically involved with you in the beginning.

Give A Telephone Just When The Relationship Has Broken.

Your love has just called it quits and this is an indication that a certain measure of space is required and plainly a ring too soon may interrupt this need.

Calling When You Are Tipsy

You have a few more drinks than normal, and you let your heart rule over your head, you dial your ex lovers' number simply wanting to talk.

When you leave desperate emails and droves of messages on voice mail Generally these don't help and make the recipient go further away.

Telling your ex how depressed, sad or lonely you have been since the break up: You might be thinking this will attract your ex lover's sympathetic nature but you are burdening them with your emotions and consuming them with your neediness instead. Psychologically speaking this type of behavior is termed as 'manipulative' and could throw a stick badly in any relationship.

Continuously debating about the separation, harping about the past and bringing back memories of positions which are best forgotten This would undoubtedly draw attention and could maybe result in some conversation but think about it, is this the way you would like to utilize your time? This sort of action is rather juvenile and would never get you anywhere, so you are glued from where you started.

Expressing your undying love over and over: Even if your ex-partner fully understood and recognized your undying affection, this is not the time or place to confess such emotions or why would they leave in the first place? It's time to take a some other position and analyze what went bad with the relationship instead of thinking that true love will conquer all.

Forever saying how sorry you are It is possible that you hurt your partner like seeing someone else or not living by your commitment. Saying sorry would be the right thing to do, but you have to know the proper way to make an impressive apology and rarely anyone knows how to do this. Naturally never ask to be pardoned all too soon. However, if you didn't do something that warrants an apology, then you are compromising yourself and this isn't an winning trait in anyone.

Fruitlessly Trying To Make Them Feel Jealous

This could be a short-term and workable strategy as most people like to have individual rights over their lovers but this can never give you any clue to the break up and help you solve the crisis in any way. If all your endeavours to win your exwife back is established on the route of exploitative schemes, it would finally result in the relationship turning very distorted and would be hard to keep it running for long.

Imploring With Them To Help You Come Back

Let us get one thing clear here. If you were confident and emotionally strong, you would never feel such a strong urge to get somebody back to your life, which involves begging on your knees. Now that you know what the common mistakes people make trying to win over their ex back, you could spend some time in recapitulating as to the reasons why the relationship turned sour, how to alter things and then plan out a more intelligent strategy to get back your ex lover.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

How To Want Your Ex Back

This is an informative article By: Jeremi Hany, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Jeremi Hany

Everybody wants to find a soul mate they can spend the rest of their life with. Once you find your soul mate, you may feel on top of the world. You will feel like you are capable of dealing with anything that comes your way. Unfortunately, breakups do happen and nobody is immune to it.

Some break ups cannot be avoided while others can be stopped. Perhaps you are still in love with your ex and is really eager to win him or her back. Let us look at some tips on how to get back together with your ex.

1) First and foremost, you need to have a clear head if you want your ex back. People can always tell if you have too much going on in your mind, and if you have a lot on your mind regarding the break up, your ex will know. You need to stop thinking about how badly you want him or her back, stop stressing about the future of your relationship, and simply clear your head. It will improve your communication with your ex, which will improve the chances of getting back with your ex.

2) If you want your ex back, you need to avoid being a sell out. I know you want to do everything humanly possible to get your ex back, but don't drop to your knees begging and apologizing simply because you want him or her back so badly. Instead, you need to be strong, calm down, and focus on doing fine without him or her to get their attention again.

3) To win your lover back, you need to change yourself. You don't want to be your old self if you want to get your ex back. Remember, it is the old you that breaks up with your ex. So, it is time to appear a bit different. You don't need to have a 360 degree change. But at the very least, do something to improve your life, like exercising more or even changing to a better job. Most probably, your ex will take notice and respond positively to the changes.

4) If you want to get your ex back, you should let go of the past. Do not allow past mistakes to haunt you. Of course, you shouldn't forget about the reasons that lead to the break up. Any mistakes made in the past should be used as a learning experience . This is to ensure that you will no longer commit the same mistakes again, if you do get back together with your ex.

5) Create a plan, finally! You cannot just emotionally go all out, hoping for good results. Put a logical plan together instead, thinking logically and operating accordingly. If you put some thought into the process you will be a lot more successful at scoring your ex back.

Walk into the situation with a plan and you will be able to get your ex back in no time at all.

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3 Simple Steps To Win Your Ex Back

This is an informative article By: Jeremi Hany, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Jeremi Hany

How can I get my ex back in 3 steps?

If you have just gone through a devastating break up, you are probably thinking about "What should I do to get my ex lover back?" Most likely, you hope you will be able to win your ex back as fast as possible. Well, this is what many people think.

Just after a break up, it is easy for anyone to just break down or go into depression. In fact, you will probably be clueless as to what you should do next and what steps you should take. Most probably, you feeling like you just want to call your ex and plead him or her to come back into the relationship. But, will doing so help you in anyway? Instead of improving the situation, it will probably make the situation worse, causing your ex to avoid you even more.

So, what should you do? Well, you should probably do something that is opposite of how you feel. Maybe you want to call your ex? Then don't do it. Maybe you feel like crying? Then don't do it. Instead, you want to follow 3 simple steps, and you will be able to find a good answer to, "How can I get back together with my lover?"

1 - Accept Your Break Up!

First and foremost, you need to accept that the break up is happening. Tell your ex that you are okay with it, and allow the "moving on" process to begin/. When you do this, it will eliminate a large amount of the tension and stress that is being experienced by all. Your ex will need time to think about the relationship, and this will give you time as well to consider your options. If your ex realizes that he or she still loves you, they will find a way to get back with you.

2 - Don't contact your lover!

Do not make an effort to contact your ex anymore right now. You should cut communication off with him or her so that there can be some "thinking time". This may seem counterintuitive, but by cutting communication off you are signaling that you have already moved on and that you are doing just fine.

Your ex will then start to think about your relationship in a different light. Most probably, your ex will start to miss you again. When you stop contacting your ex and is able to do so calmly, your ex will probably start to realize how important you were to them.

3 - Plan Ahead for the Get Together

Once you have completed the two steps mentioned just above, you can start working on planning when you should meet, where you should meet, and also what should be said when you do meet up again. This will allow you to get a better idea of whether or not your ex still loves you, and also if there is any chance that you and your ex will be able to get back together.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Don't Make Your Spouse Not Trust You - Avoid the Yes...But Habit!

This is an informative article By: Dax Matt Hellstrom, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Matt Hellstrom

Nobody wants there partner not to trust them, but we often bring this on ourselves by using "The Yes...But" style of talking to them, according to Dr. Joseph Melnick, the creator of the popular marriage program The Us Factor. What exactly is "The Yes...But"? It's when you start out a sentence with a positive phrase, but finish it with a negative one. Here's what I mean:

"Sweetie, you've been doing a great job of paying the bills, but I prefer to pay the house payment before I take money for groceries".

Here's another: "You do such a good job helping the kids with their homework, but it would sure be nice if you didn't work so much so you could be here every night".

These are examples of how the second half of a sentence can wipe out the first half. If this gets to be too much of a habit, and you use this style of communicating often, your spouse will eventually start to just hear the negative half, and not even notice the compliment. They'll feel manipulated, and they are.

Sometimes, one partner feels the need to start a conversation in a positive way if it's going to be a difficult thing to talk about. They think that's the way to not let the other person down:

"You're really a good person, but I can't live with you anymore". Ouch!

If you need to talk to your spouse about something that might be uncomfortable, don't surprise them with it. It's better to prepare the ground first - ask them when would be a good time and place to discuss a concern you have.

If you want to make your relationship work, you have to separate the bad from the good, or they'll get all muddled. If you like the way your partner arranged the furniture, tell them that. Otherwise, if you don't like it, say something like "This furniture arrangement doesn't work for me - can we sit down and talk about it?".

Be ready to use good communication techniques - give examples, but make sure you don't blame them or shame them. Be compassionate and use "I feel" statements, and your conversations will be much smoother. Above all - don't mix up the positive and negative!

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Warning Signs Of A Breakup - Don't Let These Signs Pass!

This is an informative article By: Sally Meyers, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Sally Meyers

Warning signs of a breakup are often right under our noses yet we fail to see them and are totally shattered when a breakup finally occurs. Would you know what to look for? The following is a list of the top 9 signs that something is wrong and following is just what you can do about it!

The 9 red hot signs that your relationship may be in trouble are:

1. Have you found that you cannot justify why your partner has started working strange or irregular hours that are completely different to their normal routine?

2. Have you noticed that they have begun forgetting to do things they always did for you or breaking plans you had both made where as before this would never have been the case?

3. Have they missed a special date, anniversary or birthday. (Definitely one of the most telling warning signs of a break up if they have usually always remembered and been most attentive)

4. Do they seem uncommunicative, distracted or sulky? Do you suddenly find that it is hard to have a meaningful conversation?

5. Does your partner hesitate to show affection towards you in front of other people,where once they would have openly done this? Are the number of hugs and kisses getting fewer and fewer?

6. Has your partner become disinterested in your plans or whats happening in your life?

7. Are they lying to you, especially about things that are not really important and would normally have been easily talked through?

8. Do you find that your partner no longer shares their email and text messages with you, or that their phone calls now seem secretive?

9. Outside of the normal misunderstandings that are healthy in a relationship, do you find yourself disagreeing with your partner more and more?

Most of these changes by themselves may not always indicate a problem, however if three or more of these indicators are present you really need to consider what to do about saving your relationship. How do you respond when your partner is already acting like this?

If you have decided that your relationship is worth saving, the answer is there is absolutely an incredible amount of action you can take to stop a break up. The very best advice about this comes from the incredibly successful relationship mending program known as the Magic of Making Up.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get Him Back -A Man's Point Of View

This is an informative article By: Eric Christopher, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Eric Christopher

Please welcome and today I am going to give you advice on how to get your ex boyfriend want you back from a man's point of view. These are proven strategies that work for women. I have been in relationships and I know how women act when faced by a break up.

How to make him want you back is as simple as believing in yourself that you can do it. See, we as men respond very well to confidence, We find confident women attractive just like they find us.If you are confident, you are not acting insecure, we will find that attractive.

Show us that we need you, remind us of the past moments that we enjoyed together but don't do it in a desperate way. If you show us your worth, we may start thinking that we need you and the next thing for us to do is chasing you again.

How to make my ex boyfriend want me back is all about beauty. We love and feel attracted to beauty. We like to find you sexy and appealing to our eyes. If you want us to want you back, then make us find you attractive so that we can realize what we are missing. Dress sexy, be happy and some make up too can do wonders.

What my male friends tell me explains a lot about their exes. Listen women, we don't find it attractive when you call us several times a day, we will want you back more if you call us back after a day or two. Act like you don't care and you will become a magnet.

How to make my ex boyfriend want me back means that you should show us that you have accepted the break up and that you have moved on with your life. If you ignore us and let us know that you have accepted that we should be broken up, we may start wondering thinking about you again.

These are some of the powerful strategies to apply in making your ex man want you back. While applying these tips, remember the first strategy that I gave you, Always stay confident. When your ex man smells your confidence, He may start to think about getting back together.

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Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back With These Free Tips

This is an informative article By: Eric Christopher, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Eric Christopher

Getting an ex boyfriend isn't easy to most women. Approximately 95% of women who want to win their ex boyfriend back get it wrong because the response to the situation the way their minds lead them. This happens natural and sometimes they may seek advice from their friends and family members.

How to win your ex boyfriend back means that you should reduce the amount of time you spend with him on the phone or even when you meet. Always be in harry, find an excuse to get of the phone but don't be rude. When you do this, he can start missing you and get more curious.

Come up with some reason to end up the conversation. Try to get off the phone but always be kind to him. Contact between you and your ex boyfriend should be minimized. This is to make him miss you and show him that you are not interested in pursuing him harder like he thought. This will also make him more curious about you and your feelings.

Getting an ex boyfriend back also means that you must accept the break up and move on with life. Start hanging out with friends and other men. This can help you heal and also reduce the sadness that is created by a break up. Make him pursue you and to his eyes, you can become a challenge.

We have talked about making him want you after the break up. In some cases, this might be hard but everything needs you to be patient while applying these strategies. Don't forget the physical side because it plays a big role in getting an ex boyfriend back. Dress nice and some make up too.

If you do this little tricks, You can stand a better chance of getting an ex boyfriend back. Win an ex boyfriend back by staying in the position of power. Don't let him take advantage of you. When you act vulnerable, sad, needy and desperate, to his eyes you are easy to get and that is very unattractive.

There are exactly some of the strategies on how to win your ex boyfriend back. There are many other things that you can do with your situation. Visit the link below for more information and always put in mind that what you say and do that involved you and your ex defines how to win your ex boyfriend back.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Win Back Your Ex By Being Robbed at Gunpoint

This is an informative article By: Jeremi Hani, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Jeremi Hani

Will you learn something new if you are being robbed at gunpoint?

Well, after your initial contact...you want to set up your "1st Date" again.

And do you know what is the most important part. Well, most likely, nobody is going to tell you this. But the date must be emotionally charged.


That DOES NOT mean 'dinner and a movie'.

That is just too boring and predictable. There is not much opportunity for bonding or to be more precise... rebonding.

In fact, you want to pack in several emotionally charged mini-dates in a span of a couple hours.

Why is that so?

You are losing out on a sociologically proven principle if you just opt for a plain old boring 'dinner and movie'.

Bonding = Emotionally Charged Experiences

Look at it in another way.

Do you still remember the person queuing in from of you, the last time you went to the bank?

Or the person behind you?

Most probably not. So do I.


What if you are robbed at gunpoint?

Most probably, the robbers have difficulties opening the safe. They were angry, shouting and screaming, threatening people with the huge guns in their hands. The tension feels so thick.

You have no choice but to lie down on the cold hard floor and you can even see your breath fogging the tiles below.

You are so scared that you begin trembling and shaking, hoping that someone will come and save you.

"Oh dear!"

"Where are the robbers?"

"Hope they are not behind me."

"Are they watching me?"

You slowly move your eyes and then you see a sweet old lady lying right beside you.

She even resembles your grandma. And then you noticed that she seems to be even more scared and terrified than you. In fact, she is even sobbing very softly.

Slowly, you reach out your hand and start to take her in yours, giving her a little squeeze. You comfort her by saying, "It is alright."


Let me ask you.

Are you going to EVER forget that older lady?

And now...

Can she forget you?

That is highly unlikely!

Now...I'm not saying to go rob a bank on your first date! LOL.

But you want to go on an EMOTIONALLY charged and exciting date...and preferably several mini-dates in a span of a couple hours.

A short roller coaster ride is one GREAT example.

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