Friday, March 13, 2009

Save A Failing Relationship Using Your Head Not Your Heart

This is an informative article By: Sally Meyers, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
to get your ex back you check out
The Magic Of Making Up
for the most advanced methods available today on the subject.
By Sally Meyers

Save a failing relationship using your brains and not just following your emotions!, If you have just broken up with someone you love, still want to be with them and believe in your heart that your relationship can be rescued , truth is you are sure going to need a plan to get them back with you.

When you are determined to save a failing relationship, before you can take any positive action you first have to acknowledge that something has gone wrong with how you feel about each other. If your ex made the break, something must have unsettled their feelings to the point they did what tyhe did. If you made the break, you will have to admit that something drove you to do it, and that something so unsettled you that you had to take such drastic action.

The point I am making here is that to save a failing relationship, the very first thing you have to do is move past the blame stage. It is inevitable that both of you said and did things that are out of character and that have caused hurt. Accepting your share of the blame means you can move on past the blame stage an onto the mending stage.

Having said this, what on earth can you do to start the healing process?

One of the most important tactics you now need to use is to now cut off all communication with your ex. ( is that a gasp of horror I hear from you?) Seriously though, cutting off all communication with your ex is a really important step to help you save a failing relationship. This means no text messages, no calls and no emails.

Why would you cut of all communication? Well whether you acknowledge it or not, when you get to a break up you undeniably need space. Both of you need time and space to be able to think, calm down and even start to miss each other.

There is another benefit you receive when you cut off contact with your ex. Your apparent loss of interest in them after the intensity of your break up will leave them wondering about you constantly! This is a very powerful psychological tool to use when you want to save a failing relationship

Don't be put off if this all seems a little confronting to you. Indeed much of this advice probably goes against what your heart wants to do. However, please be assured that this advice is based on behaviour studies of how people act when they break up. The advice works, even though it may make you feel uncomfortable at first.

I've got to tell you this again! This advice has been proven to work for couples from all over the world! Its highly successful so there is no reason this advice to save a failing relationship cannot help your situation too. This advice is the first few steps advised in the Magic of Making Up System, a well respected and highly successful relationships mending program available online. To date, the system has helped at least 6,100 couples get back together, and that number grows every day.

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