Friday, February 20, 2009

Great Online Relationships

This is an informative article By: Charlie Reese, how ever I suggest if you are really serious about learning steps
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By Charlie Reese

Most people in the dating scene try to project a pretty independent attitude. After all, that seems to be what gets your attention. No one wants to be tied down by a codependent relationship, but after the initial thrill of the chase that is often what happens. Codependency in relationships is a serious and common problem.

It probably has something to do with the way that we are made. The bonding instinct is very strong in humans. Although not all people want to find a permanent partner, most do it sooner or later. From living together and depending on each other to becoming codependent is a small step. Usually this involves a few simple changes. Instead of enjoying and craving the other's attention, you come to depend on it. Instead of encouraging each other to grow, you excessively comfort each other. Soon, both people in the relationship become unable to function without each other. They may become emotionally destructive and undermine each other, yet they can't break out of the cycle. It repeats over and over again until they got help or the relationship ends.

Of course, codependency in relationships is not always a relationship ender. In fact, that can be one of the most serious problems. Codependent relationships can sometimes continue indefinitely no matter what either person does. It is so easy to get used to thinking and act like nothing is wrong, after all. All relationships require a lot of compromises as a basic part of them, so it can sometimes be difficult to determine when a compromise goes too far. Many people don't see when they start putting up with more than they should.

There are quite a few good tips for defeating codependency in relationships. One of them involves developing healthy outside lives. Many couples like to do a lot of things together, but you should not do everything with your significant other or spouse. Each person needs to have activities that he or she enjoys on his or her own. Healthy and honest discussion is also a possible antidote. It can do a lot to resolve the tensions that often leads to codependence in relationships.

Nonetheless, sometimes nothing but therapy will work. Sometimes codependency is really a sign of much deeper troubles, and both partners in the relationship need to get outside help to really resolved all of the underlying issues. It is never a sure thing, but if both partners are willing to work with a trained relationship counselor, usually it will help.
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Article originally published on How To Get Your Ex Back article


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